Sending Joy & Happiness To Westmead Children’s Hospital
Our vision is to bring joy and happiness to sick children in hospital during their most traumatic times by giving them a Special Bear Friend sponsored by businesses and individuals with a heart. We are so excited to be sending our first box of sponsored bears to Westmead Children’s Hospital this week 💙🧸⭐️
Mr Spider was so excited to be packing the car, getting ready for the first box of bears to be dropped off at the post office.
We are so happy to be sending the bears during this lockdown period, as we know that they will be a source of security and happiness to these sick children who are isolated from their loved ones.
Thanks to the amazing doctors and nurses in the HeartCentre team, our Special Bear Friends will soon be in the arms of sick children who are currently undergoing heart surgery.
Our team is so grateful for the ongoing support and perseverance that both the HeartKids NSW and the Heart Centre Teams have given to ensure that these bears will find their way into the hands of sick children. These two incredible teams can see overwhelming sense of happiness and joy that these Special Bear Friends will bring to these sick children during their most vulnerable times.
The first box of bears include bears that have been sponsored by: Clean and Green Organics, Anne McKeown and a few of our Individual sponsors 💙 The on-going support we have had from these businesses and individuals has been absolutely incredible and we are so excited for more businesses and individuals to get involved and make a difference in our wider community.