Crows Nest Markets


Super weekend with our bears flying from the market stall into the hands of children, parents, friends and even grandparents.

With our amazing team our first Crows Nest market stall was a huge success! We all had a fantastic time interacting with the community and teaching people of all ages how to make a teddy bear.

It was great to see people’s face light up, especially the children when they saw all the different superhero bears. One of the volunteers said “the best part of my day was hearing that a 3 year old had already become acquainted with his spider bear that his parents purchased only 1 hour earlier”.

With fun and laughter filling the markets we had a great time and even had children telling us stories about how they were going to put the costumes on their favourite bear at home.

Not only did we enjoy making bears, we had the opportunity to share with the community about the amazing work HeartKids Charity and Starlight Children’s Foundation do for sick children in hospital.

Tania shared “it was wonderful to see how our bears can instantly bring joy and happiness to children, and how the activity brings out the childlike nature within adults. Seeing adults making the bears and the smile it brings to their face is priceless.”

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Rotary Club for giving us a space at the markets, and are excited to be returning. Of course these markets would not have been a success without the help from some amazing people: Georgie from GJaffles, Lina from Psych_L_ahead, Connie from Brady Marcs Buyers Advisory, Michael from Axle Creative, Bridget and Tony. Thanks for getting involved and helping us find new homes for our Special Teddy Bears.


June Newsletter Highlights


James Milson Village Community